Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Less Than a Week to Go

I have been extremely busy packing and going through things to get rid of. I am such a pack rat and my mom wanted me to go through my stuff and downsize since I won't be here as often. Asking a pack rat to downsize is cruel. But as I go through most of this stuff my thoughts are going "I haven't seen it or used it in years so I guess I don't really need it."

I have also been trying to decide what to bring with me for the month. As silly as it sounds I packed an entire suitcase full of food! They don't provide meals so I wanted to go prepared. I figured I would take away the stress of grocery shopping, and save money by not eating at the local restaurants. But seeing as how I have an entire months food in one suitcase, you can imagine it is not the healthiest food, but when I die I will be well preserved. I still will have to go to buy a few things like laundry detergent and cold foods. But now I know I won't go overboard.

As far as clothes go.... I have no clue what I want to bring, I mean it was snowing about two weeks ago in Atlanta but now it is warm out. I'm not sure if I should pack for cold or warm weather or for both. And although training is business attire, I'll have days where I might want to go out and do something and then I need gym clothes because there is a fitness center at the hotel. But what I am most excited about is the indoor heated pool and whirlpool!

Another major worry that I have is that I am going to fail at this. I'm sure I have a slight advantage over some because I haven't been out of school for very long. But it has been awhile since I've been in an actual classroom. I did my senior year of high school online, complete with open book tests. And my one semester of college I took plenty of online courses and rarely showed up for the regular classes. So I have a feeling this is going to be a real challenge. But once I get through it, I know it will be worth it.

I can't wait until I can get started. I am still reviewing the packet they gave me with my terminalogy and airport codes. Most of it is common sense. But some of it is a little confussing. Where on earth did they come up with RSW for Fort Myers, or HPN for White Plains? And everyone says that those should be the ones I will remember because they are so weird... but most of the others are common sense so I get to those and think wtf?

I am still waiting for my stupid passport. It will be two weeks tomorrow and I was told 2 weeks. What worries me is you can check your status online and it can't even find me. They cashed the check so they better send me a passport. It's enough to make a girl go crazy.


  1. Hi Katie, You're getting close! My advice would be to travel light...mix and match, black skirts and pants go along way with several different tops. I brought way too much to training...you can see how many bags in this pic from my post...http://www.theflyingpinto.com/2008/12/life-of-flight-attendant.html

    One bag was all shoes! Just bring a couple! Trust me.

    As far as the airport codes go..the ones that don't make sense are usually named after the field. I don't know why RSW is RSW but I think maybe it's regional southwest....it's the regional airport. Try using acronyms like HNL (hot naked ladies: )Don't ask, but that's the one I remember!

  2. Thanks for the great advice :)

  3. HPN is Harrison Purchase new castle...When i was doing my city codes test at UAL to be a ramper i told this girl to think DSW shoes so she'd remember RSW

  4. I remember reading that ORD is because it used to be called 'Orchard Field' back in the days before it was a big airport!
